Monday, July 14, 2008


This will be short, since it is 1 a.m. in Denmark right now.

I just spent the last 10 days touring Denmark, Sweden, and Finland. Specifically, Ebeltoft (DEN), Kalmar and the whole Smaland region (south eastern) of Sweden, Stolkholm (SWE), Helsinki (FIN), and Turku (FIN). The trip was amazing and we saw a lot of really impressive glass work, factories, and museums. But I'll have to talk about those later.

What I wanted to do mostly, was let you know I started a Flickr site and have posted the photos from Iceland and Copenhagen. Here's the link:

It's also on the top right corner of this page. That link will always be there, so refer to that as time goes on.

When you go there, try clicking on the little boxs labeled by the country name (right side of your page) and then view the groups as a slideshow (the little projection screen button on the top right of your screen). I put a good number of photos up, and there will be more to come.

Trust me on that, I've already taken thousands. About 3. No joke.

If that link doesn't work, go to and search for 'ADAMAS*' ---make sure to include the asterisk. (*)

In other news, today we had our shop orientation. The facility is flawless. The island is breath-taking, and our teacher (Charlie) is not only a very talented and established glass blower, he started our day off with schnapps. We all took a shot, and so did the kiln, which is apparently tradtion in Danish hot shops. Good things are to come, that I know for sure.

Leave comments!


Thursday, July 3, 2008


This entry is from 6/27/08.

I think I'm pretty lucky.
-end up in the front row of Billy Joel, Amy sings with him and then ties his shoe. We both catch guitar pics.
-First time gambling EVER was with dad... we walked away grinning.
-Met Chainsaw, he gives us more guitar gear.
-I'm in Denmark.

To get to Denmark, I had to stop in Iceland and switch planes. The lady next to me on my plane over was from Iceland. She was a stomach doctor and was very nice. Told me a lot about iceland, which seems pretty cool now. Everyone at the airport was beautiful to begin with. The airport itself was immaculate. And quiet. The quietest airport I've ever been in. As for Iceland, it's built up on volcanic layers and has quite the landscape. Lots of bright teal lagoons and springs were visible from the plane.

I learned a bit about the odd and extreme sports they have in Iceland, thanks to the in-flight entertainment. It got me wondering about Bornholm... maybe I'll go skydiving...

When I got to Copenhagen, I met Joe and Sally in the baggage claim and we headed to their apartment together. When we got there, the owners greeted us and helped us with our bags. Klaus and Randi were the first and, so far, the coolest Copenhageners I've met. Klaus is a professional photographer and Randi is a singer. A human beatbox machine, actually. And she is touring all over the world this summer. She gave me a CD and I told her when she gets to New York I'll be sure to see her show. I would love to meet more people like them; friendly, nice, and talented. I'd probably be their nanny if they needed one and if they'd have me.

The new housemates and myself all went out to dinner, and after much deliberation, we decided on Indian food. Which was delicious but very expensive. We are all learning rather quickly that Denmark is not cheap. But their service is; the waitress we had was absolutly the worst waitress I've ever had. She made it clear she did not want to make us happy. But it didn't really matter- we were so tired and so happy to be in Copenhagen. I went to bed at 10 (Copenhagen time)-- something I haven't done in months and months.